Defence of the Core
DotC is a Xonotic's version of MOBA. This TC runs on the following operating systems: Linux, FreeBSD, Microsoft Windows, and macOS.

In 2063, humanity moved beyond the solar system in search of habitable planets and a newly discovered source of energy, a stable element with an extremely high atomic number. Traces of the isotope were first found on the moons of Jupiter. Elarium possesses the power to create energy "and matter" with the force and urgency of a new weapon.

NAND Corporation and XOR Global Tech
Two rival corporations, NAND Corporation and XOR Global Tech, control the push for the rare isotope. Each fires volleys of pinpoint satellites into the spiral arm, hoping to find new sources of the isotope. These are followed by slow-moving engineering frigates to extract the minerals and establish colonies.

There are no rules on Planetfall. Battles are to the death when both corporations stake a claim. The Core AI uses Elarium to create machinery, habitats, weapons, and energy. Entire metropolises have been birthed by a single core beyond the brutal combat of the establishment. Each won claim extends the parent corporation's reach, allowing its families to reach further into space.

You are a soldier-engineer employed by a corporation. Your mission is to protect the mining Core while it extracts the isotope and to destroy the opposing facility. You operate on the frontier. When one Core is established, you move to the next, installing the logic gates that will allow civilization to prosper behind you.
Your team is constantly changing as green ones break and veterans take their place, but the job is always the same: Defense of the Core.

Defence of The Core
There are two teams, each with a Core, which the other team needs to destroy to win the match. Players (re)spawn at their Core. Each base emits drone squads, groups of AI units that move toward the enemy base and attack other team units.
The Core
Each team has one Core; if this Core is destroyed, the team is defeated.
- Players spawn at their team Core.
- The Core is upgraded by collecting credits.
- The Core's level determines the player's spawn items, health, and armor.
- The Core's level determines the strength of its team's drone squads.

The Drone Factories
Each Core has one or more drone factories.
- Drone factories automatically produce squads of autonomous drones.
- Drone factories only produce up to a set number of squads.
- Once maximum squads are created, a new one will be produced once an old one is totally destroyed.
- The factories can be destroyed, rendering them inert for the duration of the match.

The Drone Squads
Drone squads are a collection of AIs that will follow a predefined path.
- Drone squads will stop and engage any unit of the other team it may come across.
- Drones will NOT engage neutrals. Nor will neutrals engage them.
- Drones will, when destroyed by a player, drop a credit token.
- Drones' strengths are determined by the team's Core level.

The Credits
Credits are the method by which the team upgrades its Core.
- When a player destroys an enemy drone, the drone drops a credit token.
- If a player picks up this token, his team gains some credits.
- Once enough credits are acquired by a team, their Core is upgraded.
The Neutrals
Neutrals are indifferent to any and all teams. Everyone who gets too close will be attacked.
- Neutrals do not attack drones, nor do drones attack them.
- Neutrals will attack players.
- Neutrals are generally much more challenging to defeat than standard drones or turrets.
- If a player defeats a neutral and picks up its token, his team gets a bonus.
- Bonus can include:
- A large sum of credits.
- A powerful item (like a vehicle).
- Unlocking an item at spawn time for all team members (e.g., a weapon, armor, or health boost).
The Turrets and Guardians
Each team can have turrets placed around the map.
- Turrets are very tough to kill and deal much damage.
- Turrets do not re-spawn once defeated.
DotC is no longer in active development nor being maintained. The alpha version went public on . The DotC website is still being maintained.
We would like to thank everyone involved with the project.
Wiki pages
For more information on the DotC project, you might be interested in the wiki pages where you can find documented development processes and design docs, among others. Unfortunately, wiki pages are no longer available.
Team DotC
- Design:
- Morphed
- tZork
- SoulKeeper_p
- Hhondar
- Art:
- Morphed
- SoulKeeper_p
- Logic:
- tZork
- Mand1nga
- Sound:
- Chooksta
- Web and Media:
- SoulKeeper_p
- Story:
- Hhondar
- SoulKeeper_p
- Testing:
- SoulKeeper_p
- Hhondar
Members list (alphabetical order)
- Chooksta
- CuBe0wL
- DiaboliK
- Hhondar
- Mand1nga
- Morphed
- Nifrek
- SoulKeeper_p
- tZork
You might be able to find the DotC team at IRC: #mon.xonotic or #xonotic channel at QuakeNet.
You can also use the contact form below.